Friday, 22 August 2008


Thought I would put up a photo not taken in Hoxton for a change. This is halfway up a mountain called Pequeño Alpemayo, must have been about 6 in the morning, sun's up but it didn't get on us for another couple of hours. Glorious day, if a bit poo-making!

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Double Oral Delinquency

Naughty naughty. Stick some chewing gum on the wall. Then stub your fag out on it. Great skills - misdemeanour stacking rules!

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Really sorry and all

My home internet has been down for SIX WEEKS. Before I went away on holiday, it was down. I had a three week mountaineering circuit of madness in Bolivia, got back. IT WAS STILL DOWN. Got over jetlag and easing myself back into work. INTERNET STILL DOWN.

Just tonight the internet has come back, so here's my favourite photo from my holiday. I took this pretty much by accident, not even looking through the viewfinder, which probably certifies that I'm a shit photographer, or just lucky at best. Oh well. I'll settle for that.